Hello blog, I would like to discuss the controversial issue of performance -enhancing drugs in sports. We hear about it so often in the news that nobody really cares anymore. Records continue to be broken and athletes are getting stronger and faster than ever. How are they achieving greatness? It's no big mystery...they're cheating!
Performance enhancing drugs are any substances taken by athletes to increase and improve their skills, with the goal of outperforming and getting that competitive edge. Professional sports is "Big business"and like any business the better you perform, the more money you could make, and high caliber entertainment sells tickets. What are the side affects from taking these performance enhancing drugs, and what message are we sending our youth and future athletes?
Cartoon of Bary Bonds: Baseball's "Homerun Champion" and "Steroid Poster Child", all pumped up exposing the secrets to his success sticking out of his arm.
Cartoon retrieved January 10, 2010 http://forums.collectors.com/messageview.cfm?catid=11&threadid=589851